Submit your Jockstrap Photos

Our Your Jockstraps posts are by far the most popular here on the blog and they’re also our favorite so we’re stepping things up to encourage even more guys to submit their jockstrap photos.

From here on in, when you submit your photos and we end up using them here on Jockstrapping Blog, we’ll send you a free jockstraps. There are a few requirements, so please please please read them….

  • We’re looking for all shapes and sizes and nationalities to submit photos of yourself in your jockstraps.
  • We will only be posting jockstrap photos.
  • We’ll only be posting our favorites so take your time and try to be creative and sexy.
  • The photos can be G or X rated, so don’t be afraid to show some skin.
  • They can be fun or serious.
  • We need at least 5 photos, but we encourage guys to submit more if you can.
  • If we end up using your photos, feel free to submit another set and you could get another free jockstrap.
  • The free jockstrap is our choice and will be one from our collection over at Jockstrap Central. We will ask you for your waist size.
  • We require a little background information as well. Some is optional, but we at least need to know a nickname and your country and some background info (i.e. why you like jockstrap or what you like to do in your jockstraps, or what your hobbies are, etc..)
  • You can be entirely anonymous, but if you want other guys to contact we can link to your email address (we won’t post it directly on the site.) Keep in mind that we do have a comment system, so even if you don’t want your email linked to you can still see what guys think of your photos by reading the comments under your post.

To submit your photos please email us with the following information and attach at least 5 photos of yourself in jockstraps. The more information you share, the easier it is to do a post on you.

  1. Name or Nickname:
  2. Age:
  3. Location/Country/State:
  4. Do you want to link to your email address? (yes/no)
  5. What do you love about jockstraps:
  6. Some back information or your interests that you’d like to share:
  7. Click the link below to email us and don’t forget to include the above information and don’t forget to attach the photos. If we like the photos then we’ll do a post on you (and send you a free jockstrap):



show us your jockstrap contest

Get ready for it, Jockstrap Central‘s third annual Show Us Your Jockstrap Contest has begun and there’s even more prizes than before.

All you have to do is send Jockstrap Central a photo of yourself in a jockstrap between now and November 15th and you could win one of five shopping sprees on All submission will be placed on a webpage for a public vote, and the top four winning submissions will receive gift certificates for Jockstrap Central. Plus, new this year, we’ll also be randomly selecting one entry for a fifth prize – giving everyone a better chance to win. Here’s the prizes:

FIRST PRIZE: $150 shopping spree
SECOND PRIZE: $100 shopping spree
THIRD PRIZE: $50 shopping spree
FOURTH PRIZE: $25 shopping spree
FIFTH PRIZE: (randomly selected entry) $25 shopping spree

It’s free to enter, so there’s no reason not to try. Just keep in mind that we can only accept one photo per person, so make sure it’s your best one.

Don’t forget to check back here each week to see the submitted photos as they come in. Starting tomorrow, we’ll be doing weekly posts of all the contest entries.

For more details and how to enter please check out our contest page here:


Send contest entries to


xmas gift idea

Jockstraps make the perfect gift – especially when they’re wrapped in black tissue paper, nestled in our perforated metal tins and finished off with a black ribbon tied into a bow. This is pure class.

They’re the perfect gift for someone who has everything, or maybe the perfect way to break the ice and let someone know you want to get into their pants. Just make sure they understand that they have to model it for you before you hand it over.

You can either have it delivered right to the recipient, or have it sent to yourself so you can personally deliver it.

Of course, it’s best to order early as mail slows down as we get closer to the 25th, so as an extra incentive, we’re offering 10% off all orders (gift wrapping or not) between now and December 1st. Once you’ve placed something into your shopping cart, on the shopping cart page enter the coupon code “xmasgift” without the quotes and hit the “add coupon” button and 10% will be deducted from your entire order.



We know that one of the features of a jockstrap is being able to sit on the toilet to do number 2 without removing the jockstrap, but please, please, please don’t send us photos demonstrating this. (you know who you are) We’re just not into scat.

thank you,

John and Adrian


HAPPY 2008!

happy new year

Adrian and myself (John) would like to wish everyone a wonderful 2008. Heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who have supported our websites and projects over the past few years. We’ve got lots of ideas and plans for the new year for all our sites which include our second annual “Show us your jockstrap” contest starting in February. I mention the contest as a heads-up to get those jockstraps and cameras out. We’re looking for creativity this year and we’re changing up the voting rules as well to ensure a more fair contest.

Although many of you realize it, many don’t know we’re now a family of websites and blogs. We do our best to keep them all updated regularly, but it’s impossible to update all the blogs daily, so if you visit one and don’t find an update, then try visiting our other ones. Although you will find links all over the place to our various sites, here’s a convenient list so you can visit them (and bookmark them!)

Jockstrap Central is our jockstrap and underwear store. We now carry over 100 styles of jockstraps and now include select styles of underwear, t-shirts, shorts and accessories: is our jockstrap blog and place for us to explore the erotic side of jockstraps. Although Jockstrap Central is sexy, there are limits to how naughty we can take it, so let’s us let it all hang out (so to speak): is the site that started it all. With an obsession for underwear and a passion for collecting it, I created a list of bookmarks of places to buy underwear online. This quickly blossomed into a full-on underwear community website. In case you’re wondering, USG stands for Underwear Swimwear Guide: is the sister site to USG-online and although the boundary between the two sites is blurred these days, originally I needed a second site for the fetish side of my underwear fascination because many companies I dealt with didn’t want to be associated with anything adult:

Un-der-where? Blog was our first blog and is one of two underwear blogs we run and tends to be more PG. Sure it focuses on men in underwear and man eye candy but we also try to cover seelct industry news, art, photography and anything else underwear related:

Un-der-who? Blog is our sister blog to Un-der-where? and yes it’s a silly name but it’s the adult side of men’s underwear and included xtube videos and underwear sightings on gay porn sites and we’re not afraid to show a bit of cock. (wink!):

MustBeGay is an older site that has been completely be “recharged” as a blog. Although is used to be a directory of gay websites (and the directory is still there), it is now a blog that covers anything we feel is interesting and gay. The directory part of the site is in need of a complete overhaul and will be one of the first projects for 2008:

So…go check them out!

All the best,

Adrian and John (partners in business and life)